From Fur Babies to Fire Hydrants: Your Home Insurance Premiums

When I got my kids a dog, I had no idea that it could affect my homeowners insurance. I happened to run into my insurance agent in the store when I was buying dog food and he asked me what kind of dog we had. When I told him, he said I should stop in the office the next day. I had no idea that things like this could affect premiums, so I started asking what else could do it as well. I created this site to help others understand some of the finer points of homeowners insurance and what they should think about to manage their rates.

Auto Insurance Incentives

Insurance Blog

There are so many different car insurance companies that it can be hard to decide exactly what company to go with. The answer for one individual may not be the same for everyone. The truth is that each insurance company is going to be very good at a few things, and also fit different types of people. You need to do a lot of research to find the right auto insurance company for you. One of the most important things that you can do is to make a list of what type of coverage that you want, and then shop each company for that coverage. While you are shopping make sure that you note different incentives that each company provides. The different incentives can save you a lot of money on your insurance. Here are a few things to watch out for that could save you a lot of money.

Good Driver Bonus

Insurance companies want to make as much money as possible, but if the people that they insure are always getting in accidents then they are not going to make much money. They will have to cover the accidents. That is why many auto insurance companies will reward you with a small check if you are being a safe driver. You may not get a check, you may get a discount on your coverage. No matter what your company does look for incentives to be a good driver, and you may end up saving a lot of money. 


The amount of money that insurance companies lose over drunk driving accidents would add up to a great deal of money. There are insurance companies that are actually going to reward you for not drinking alcohol ever. Staying sober is a good way to make sure that you are at your best judgement when you get behind the wheel. See if the company that you are thinking of signing up with has an incentive for not drinking any alcohol. 

Pay Ahead

Many people forget to pay their insurance company each month, and it is up to them to send you to collections. Companies do not want to do this, they simply want to get paid. There are companies that are going to offer major discounts for paying in advance or right up front. They will give you the option of paying for six months at a time, and if you decide to do that then you will save some of your hard earned money. 

Check with companies like Angel Auto Insurance for more information.


20 May 2017