From Fur Babies to Fire Hydrants: Your Home Insurance Premiums

When I got my kids a dog, I had no idea that it could affect my homeowners insurance. I happened to run into my insurance agent in the store when I was buying dog food and he asked me what kind of dog we had. When I told him, he said I should stop in the office the next day. I had no idea that things like this could affect premiums, so I started asking what else could do it as well. I created this site to help others understand some of the finer points of homeowners insurance and what they should think about to manage their rates.

Things To Know About SR-22 Insurance

Insurance Blog

Everyone that owns a vehicle usually knows that driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol comes with the risk of getting into legal trouble. Even with such knowledge, some people continuously get pulled over for DUI offenses and must suffer stricter consequences each time.

Other than spending time in jail for such an offense, it can also lead to driving privileges being revoked, suspended, or interfered with in some other way. For example, rather than driving privileges being taken away, an offender might be ordered to prove that he or she has auto insurance coverage. Basically, an offender might be required by law to obtain SR-22 insurance, which you will learn more about in the content below.

What SR-22 Insurance Covers 

SR-22 insurance isn't a typical policy, as it is a certificate of responsibility that shows you have coverage. Basically, you must prove that your vehicle is at least covered by liability auto insurance. The reason liability insurance is important for someone who has committed a DUI offense is because it provides protection for other drivers. Liability insurance is able to help other drivers financially if they happen to get into an accident with a negligent driver. DUI offenders are considered high-risk drivers, so SR-22 insurance is ideal as a safety precaution.

Getting SR-22 Insurance & How it Works

There isn't really anything special that you must do in order to obtain SR-22 insurance, other than letting your insurance provider know that you are required to have it. As long as you have at least liability insurance, your provider can issue a certificate of responsibility. The certificate lets the DMV in your area know that you are driving with insurance coverage, and your provider will also let them know if you are not covered. Steps will be taken by the DMV in regards to your driving privileges if your insurance provider informs them that you are no longer covered.

Why You Shouldn't Get Rid of SR-22 Insurance

You must keep SR-22 insurance as long as you are required to do so because you can end up losing your driver's license if you get rid of it too soon. The DMV can immediately suspend your driving privileges for as long as they see fit based on the laws in your state. If you have committed serious DUI offenses and fail to keep SR-22 insurance, you can end up with your driving privileges being revoked indefinitely.

To learn more, you can continue reading more information or visit insurance suppliers near you.


13 November 2020