From Fur Babies to Fire Hydrants: Your Home Insurance Premiums

When I got my kids a dog, I had no idea that it could affect my homeowners insurance. I happened to run into my insurance agent in the store when I was buying dog food and he asked me what kind of dog we had. When I told him, he said I should stop in the office the next day. I had no idea that things like this could affect premiums, so I started asking what else could do it as well. I created this site to help others understand some of the finer points of homeowners insurance and what they should think about to manage their rates.

Commercial Insurance: The Costs Implications

Insurance Blog

Choosing from reputable insurance agencies is essential when looking for commercial insurance cover. Most of the best insurance providers will give you cover over the necessary and affordable types of risks that your business will require. 

Here are some cover technicalities you should look out for.

1. Products

Before settling for a contract, the insurance agent will ask for a detailed list of the business assets you rely on for operations. Different product categories will require various protections for your business. Your choices will determine the insurance expenses you incur for your business.

Also, the commercial insurance agent should provide you with the necessary knowledge on the policies required to ensure your business is compliant with federal and state laws.

2. Insurance Rates

The goal of getting insurance is to protect your business against risks of financial loss. You often operate on a tight budget, and getting low premiums for your insurance can prove a good deal. However, suppose an insurance company offers you a lower policy cost than the competition; you should find out the reason behind the low pricing.

Going through the details of the insurance contracts will help you identify the coverage that was left out. You can use this to determine whether you will require the coverage based on the needs of your business.

3. Policy Limits

Commercial insurance agencies offer great deals and discounts on insurance policy bundles. However, when you get your policy contract, never assume that your wanted coverage will cover every quote. Your insurance provider will provide policy limits on maximum amounts in case of an event or claim under the policy.

Depending on the size of your business, always select the adequate shield for damage claims, lawsuits, or financial losses. Also, look out for per-occurrence and aggregate limits.

4. Deductibles

Deductibles are the amount your business will have to incur out-of-pocket before your insurance benefits respond to a claim. The higher the deductible you can manage, the lower the insurance premium you will have to pay.

Your insurance is useless if your business can't raise the stipulated deductible amount. Thus, when settling for commercial insurance, don't go for a deductible amount higher than the amount you can afford.


You can never go wrong with a commercial insurance cover for your business if you plan for it well. Your target is to select a policy cover that protects your business from market risks and provides room for you to grow your business. Finally, always go for a reputable commercial insurance agency if you want smooth business sailing.

Contact a local insurance company, such as United Counties Insurance Group, to learn more. 


23 June 2022